Saturday, October 20, 2012

The witch-hunt...or...can you spell politics?

Rep. Darrell Issa, R-California is on a witch-hunt. Here in election time he is trying to once again bring public light onto a problem of on-going intelligence gathering and deciphering during a time of crisis. (Remember he was the one who tried unsuccessfully earlier in the year to bring down Attorney General Holder due to the Arizona boarder patrol agent’s shooting.) So, here is my question for Representative Issa, where were you when President Bush was sending in troops to Iraq based on intelligence that said there were Weapons of Mass Destruction stationed all over the countryside? Where was you committee and its insistence on seeing all the evidence then?  Huh?  Can you tell me Rep Issa?  Can you? 

No. You can’t.

Because a Republican was in the White House and it was not an election year.

You wait to do your witch-hunts when the cameras are on and you can make hay for the GOP against a sitting president. You are only doing it for politics. You are the lowest of all the GOP fungi. You try and sound God-almighty self-righteous and in fact you are a little tyrant in the same mold as Joe McCarthy.

Carry on Mr. Issa.  Your day will come.  It always does. And when it does I will stand an applaud your leaving your elected seat in whatever shame it is that brings you down – you and the other depots that sit in the chamber once inhabited by honorable men and women. Yes, keep up your witch-hunt and go after the President of the United States. That is most patriotic, and you and your party love to wrap yourselves in the stars and stripes of Old Glory.

I am sure that Benghazi needed more troops.  But the House of Representatives itself turned down funding for more state department sponsored personnel for protection of U.S. embassies around the world. Tea Partiers saying that it is not necessary to spend any more money aboard.  Mr. Issa. The vote came on your watch.  Might want to do a witch-hunt in your own ranks.

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Now onto another topic: for those of you who wrote or called in about where Chapter Two of Dream Chasers is…well…I checked with the publisher and it will be daily starting Monday. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.

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And finally, a special thanks to the University of Texas English Department and the graduate Creative Writing Track for having me as a guest of honor this past week. Besides enjoying some very fine food, I had the pleasure of meeting some exceptionally bright graduated students and faculty who are making the writers school at UT something quite special.  Hook ‘em horns…

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