Employer: Judith, please come in. Sit. Coffee?
Judith: No. But thank you very much.
Employer: It is time for your review, and I can tell you this is easy to do. Your work here has been exemplary. Sales in your division are up, in fact, you are leading the entire sector.
Judith: Well, it is a team effort. I have good people working with me.
Employer: Yes you do. There was one thing we wanted to discuss with you this morning. It is a bit delicate, but the company is interested in knowing why your health care records indicate you are taking Alesse? That’s is a contraceptive, right?
Judith: Uh, yes. That is correct.
Employer: I take it you have a prescription from a licensed doctor for that?
Judith: Yes. Dr. Amella.
Employer: And he is your–?
Judith: She. She is my OB-GYN
Employer: I see. And the reason you are taking this pill?
Judith: I don’t really think this is any of your business, Mr. Lowery.
Employer: Oh, but Judith it is! The state legislature made it our business. You know I am a devote Christian and I just do not believe in the free-for-all sex. It is against the Lord’s Word. God made sex for the procreation of the species, not for our pleasure.
Judith: Well, the truth be told, my husband and I are not ready for children yet. We are both young and still enjoying the fruits of our careers and would like to continue to do so. And we would like to have the intimacy associated with marriage.
Employer: I see. But that is not how it works here Judith. We don’t want to take the risk of having a female employee being able to have casual sex. It is not biblical.
Judith: The prescription is also for hormonal balance. Dr. Amella uses it to help regulate my periods, which before the pill were quite painful.
Employer: Yes. Well I am sure the insurance company nurse can help you find a suitable alternative. I just do not want my company paying for women to have sex whenever and wherever they want. Like I say, it goes against my faith.
Embarrassing and far-fetched you say? Not so. This could happen right now in the state of Arizona thanks to a bill pushed through the legislature by the GOP and signed by the Republican governor. But don’t relax. The states of Tennessee, Mississippi, Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas are also looking into the same issues.
It is time women began to rally against this party and tier leaders. It is time the assault against our privacy ends. And men you are not exempt. If they can have this conversation with your wives and girlfriends imagine what they will push to be able to ask you:
Employer: Mr. Smith, your records indicate you are taking Paxil. Are you having emotional problems we should know about?
There is a point where government has no right to invade our lives and that includes giving license to private industry and business to do the same.
Fucking amazing.....