Thursday, December 27, 2012
Sunday, December 23, 2012
The real problem is the NRA...
The NRA finally spoke out this week about what they see as
the solution to gun violence. It amounts to getting more cigarettes into the
hands of cancer patients. It is ridiculous and off putting to intelligent
people as well as inflaming towards the families who have lost loved ones in
this and other recent GUN attacks.
Putting guns in the schools is not a solution. It is a band
aide for what ails. Us. Too much violence in our society, too easy access to
weapons that are not needed and with ammunition clips that are far too
voluminous to be of any use other than killing other humans.
A deer hunter never carries rounds of twenty-five plus rounds per clip into
the deer stand. That would not be sport. And just so we are clear, we are not
advocating the removal of anyone’s sports rifles from their homes. Nor their
shotguns nor their hand guns, so long as none of these carry a magazine of more
than six shots. And they are locked up in a gun safe. And they are registered
and titled and must be each and every time they are sold or given as a gift,
just a car is.
What the NRA did was shoot America the finger and say, “Fuck
you America, we are bigger, stronger and better financed than you. So fuck
Well, NRA, I’m afraid that this time, you are on the wrong
side of history. You are about to go the way of the dinosaur. Hold on, it is
going to be a bumpy and dreadfully ugly ride for you. And it may hurt quite a
bit. But you are going down.
We had hoped the NRA would, with some sound reasoning come
out against assault weapons, (Which by the way, 60% of their member ship agree
should be banned) and against the high capacity ammunition clips. It is just
common sense. The idea of more guns in schools and public places is ridiculous. Ft. Hood where a massacre of 16 occurred is a military base full of armed personnel, so more guns in trained hands isn't the answer.
In fact, if you were an outside looking in, you would have witnessed their press conference and sworn that LaPierre was the crazy one — the nut case. The lunatic. Because he sounded like it. Just like Mike Huckabee and others did with claims that it was God’s revenge, or women’s fault, or any number of half-baked, half-cocked ideas to turn the argument away from the real problem. We have too many guns in our society. And we have too many crazies not getting proper mental health care.
When those two problems come together we get massacres like
Sandy Hook. And America is tired of it. NRA, take notice, you are in our sites.
It is time to face the real problems.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
The GOP blinked.
In the negotiations on the Fiscal Cliff that looms ahead of
us, President Obama made two huge consolatory moves to bring the GOP into the
One was to lower spending drastically in entitlement
programs, especially social Security (So much so that it pissed his own part
off) and the second was a huge compromise on taxes that met the GOP over half-way
on their plan. Then the GOP balked.
So President Obama has said, “Okay, you don’t want to come
to the table like adults, we’ll treat you like the children you acting as…we
withdraw our compromises. The crash in
on your head, GOP.”
And the next time some dumb ass form the Republican right says
that Obama caused the collapse, look ‘em in the eye and call them a lair.
Because they are. He has met the GOP well over on their side of the line and
the retreated even further.
It is time the truth be told. The GOP doesn’t care about America.
It cares about two things. Helping the wealthiest 5% in America and trying to
retain power with a shrinking base.
The GOP doesn’t care about America. It doesn’t care about
the American worker. It doesn’t care about anything that helps people…if those
people make less than $400,000 a year.
And, by the way, if you are a woman, the GOP doesn’t care at
all about you.
If you vote for or support a Republican candidate, you are part of the problem.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
No pain. No gain.
In his New York
Times editorial, Juliet Lapidos hit the nail on the head:
Who’s to Blame for the Fiscal Cliff Impasse?
are trying to blame the apparent impasse in fiscal cliff negotiations on
President Obama and the Democrats.
today, Speaker John Boehner projected wildly
in conversation with reporters: “I did my part; they’ve done nothing. I’m
convinced that the president is unwilling to stand up to his own party.”
Mitch McConnell, the Senate G.O.P. leader, reached for an
extended, extremely confusing sports metaphor:
“They’ve been playing Lucy and the football with the American people for
months. They’ve said no to every single proposal that’s been offered to avoid
this tax hike—including their own. They’re running out the clock. Moving the
goal posts. Sitting on their hands. They aren’t doing anything.”
"One cannot move the goal posts while sitting on one’s hands, but regardless, the notion that the president has “done nothing” is patently untrue.
"One cannot move the goal posts while sitting on one’s hands, but regardless, the notion that the president has “done nothing” is patently untrue.
Obama said repeatedly during the campaign that tax rates should rise on income
over $250,000. After winning re-election, he proposed raising $1.6 trillion in
new revenue. Then he moved the goal posts
to $1.4 trillion. Then $1.2 trillion. He also offered a new tax hike threshold
of $400,000, essentially re-defining what it means to be wealthy. Mr. Obama
even suggested limiting the growth of Social Security benefits, despite the
fact that, less than a month ago, he said
Social Security would not factor into deficit negotiations.
goal posts have moved: 400 billion dollars closer to the Republicans."
Now here is why the President is
not compromising further:
He won and he won big. And his campaign was about being reasonable when it comes to taxes and spending.
It is time for the GOP to
recognize they lost the election and if they plan to ever win another, they
better get to work with this President and fix the financial crisis that faces
America. He has already compromised. It
is time for the Republicans to do likewise. Otherwise, I am afraid that the
American public, who in recent polls voted 2-1 that the GOP was the problem in
the financial negotiating process, will see to it that the GOP loses even more
face than they did in last November’s elections.
Here is some advice for both the
White House and Congress: Raise revenues. Cut spending‑ but do not take a
slashing knife to Social Security or Medicare. There are other places that need
cutting first. Remember, Social Security is not supposed to be part of the
general fund to begin with and was only made so because Congress couldn’t
balance a budget without it.
But if you have to cut into
entitlement programs do so in a way that people who are depending on them now
and in the next five to ten years suffer the least and other who have the time,
can pay into them to build them back up. As the economy improves, you are going
to see a lot of the deficit come down. And if you have slashed the muscle out
of some of these programs they will never be back to the strength they need to
be to assist all Americans.
As for our national health
insurance, cut the Pentagon budget deeply before you touch that.
And throw Grover’s pledge out.
It is un American and not working in the best interest of our country. We are
all going to have to shoulder some of the burden. That means all of us will
have to pay higher taxes. That comes with the mess we’ve gotten ourselves into.
It is time to get out of it. It is bad medicine, and tough to swallow, but it
is what will cure us.
Now get on with the business of
doing what we sent you there to do. Grow the hell up and run the
country…together. Not as parties, but as grown, adult Americans.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
No guns on set…or…rewrite the scene with the gunfight.
We have created the gun as the answer in our dramas. We have
condoned violence to the point that it is now accepted. Anti-social behavior is
the norm and is called out as the way to be. The weirder the better; the
scarier the more wonderful; the bloodier the bolder— that’s Hollywood.
Imagination has been left behind to the history files of Hitchcock and other
directors who allowed audiences to build the dark side of the story in their
own minds, not having it shoved in front of our eyes in bloody Technicolor. Now
we’re shown every flake of brain bits from every gunshot in our movies— some in
slow motion. More arms. Bigger arms. More killings. Welcome to the world of
Hollywood and the gun — where art imitates real life.
I am no prude. I don’t want there to be censorship in
But I have taken my own steps to help bring order and
civility back into art. I have removed the gun violence out of my books. I have
taken the crazy, unabashed criminals and their street-talking language far from
the crime scenes in my works. In fact, I destroyed two books of a trilogy
simply because I felt they had become too dark and served no purpose other than
to tease the reader with violence and death. (This actually occurred after the
Aurora, Colorado shootings. I could no longer stomach being a part of the
problem of glorifying violence in our society.) If there is going to be a crime
solved in my work from now on, it will be solved with the brain, not the
bullet. It may be a small step, but I will not longer be a part of the machine
that idolizes this conduct in America.
And Hollywood should follow suit.
Just as the NRA will scream bloody murder and kick and pout
like a child over gun legislation, the forces along Sun Set Strip and in Culver
City and in the studios in the Burbank valley will cry foul, too, when the
nation wants their movies and TV shows changed. But it is time we look at all
our media squarely in the eye and raise the question and concern if it is
enticing young minds to act in criminally insane ways. “Putting a cap” into
someone’s head is easy language to digest and incorporate into culture. Our art
needs to take a higher road.
The road we are on is driving us to ruin.
Just as there are those who believe PORN warps minds of
young viewers and should be limited if not removed all together; evil violence
does the same. And when it is so prevalent as to seem like it is being
worshiped, then those portraying that violence in and to our society have
become a huge part of the problem.
Instead, we must depict how we work out our differences
peacefully, rationally and with emotions in check. This is rarely glorified in
film. It is NOT as exciting as a shoot’ em up. The blast of automatic weapons
is fun and exhilarating. It is like watching a train wreck.
Perhaps this is why our entre society has become so uncivil
(myself included) and contentious in every discussion. Reality TV has set up
quarrelling and fighting as good TV scripting. Mechanics in a motorcycle shop
or chefs in a kitchen getting into arguments and fighting over the wrong nut or
nutmeg have become high art in America. Violence, in all forms, corrupts the
I was watching TV the other night, and right in the middle
of the national coverage of the horrific disaster in Newtown, there was a promo
for Cowboy week at Christmastime. A
shoot and be shot-filled week of rifles, pistols and people going down in a
blaze of gunfire featured on TV.
Really? We needed
that at that time? Really?
And the news channels don’t get off without some scorn here,
either. They have all plastered the killer’s picture and name on their screens
and devoted entire segments of their evening and morning news shows to him, his
family history and the role his disease may or may not have played in this
Quit giving these shooters airtime.
That is what they are hoping for. To go out in a blaze of
headlines and TV coverage. Wall them off from coverage. We don’t need this
information. And they need to know they will NOT become famous posthumously for
killing a school-full or theater-full of innocent people; then shooting
themselves. Instead, they will remain faceless, nameless people. They will not
be remembered in the media or in the minds of the country. That is the last
thing these crazies want. They want the notoriety. Let’s not give it to them on
the evening news.
So I call for the writers, producers, directors and actors
to re-examine their scripts and the messages they are putting out about the
glorified violence in our society. It is time we heal rather than fight. Time
we stage a come back for common sense. Just as more guns in society is not the
logical answer for our problems, more violence on our screens isn’t either.
And Hollywood don’t cry First Amendment Rights!!!…because
remember, the NRA is crying Second Amendment Rights!!!! just as loudly.
And you both are wrong.
Monday, December 17, 2012
I lost a friend today because of guns.
He yelled,
“You are trying to ruin America.”
I told him
I was looking for a rational discussion and ideas to help solve the ever-
increasing gun violence epidemic that grips our country…and he all but yelled
at me… that Obama and I were after his guns, as if he were the only person in
the world with guns. I explained to him it was not the case, but he railed
I finally
told him to either shut up or hang up. I wasn’t going to talk with him any
longer. He had had a chance to say his piece, he had done it and I still
thought we as a people should come together and talk about this issue,
rationally and calmly. There are great ideas floating around, many of which I
have shared in the last few days at this blo9f and other sites that are good
But if you
are going to be so closed-minded as to shout and call the President and me
pejoratives, I have no use for you any longer.
I now have
one less friend.
I don’t
There comes
a time when you have to stand up and be counted on, to do what is right. If I lose a friend because of that, so be it.
We still
need to come together and discuss this. Rationally and creatively and openly.
We need gun owners and gun advocates and sportsmen and farmers and ranchers and
law-enforcement officers, anti-gun folks and gun restriction folks as well as
members of both parties from Congress and the Senate plus judges and lawyers to
sit together and talk about this.
We need
solutions. But we need to start.
I am
lighter one less friend today. It is sad, but not nearly as sad as 20 dead
children at the hands of a crazy man and his guns in Sandy Hook.
Too many guns. Too many excuses.
This is an argument setting forth on
the web in great volume.
“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
We do not have a well regulated militiaTop of Form.”
“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
We do not have a well regulated militiaTop of Form.”
We do have a well-regulate
is called the National Guard and they do not need citizens with assault
rifles...or guns with twenty-plus round clips...When the 2nd Amendment was
written we had no organized citizen soldiers like the Guard...but we do now, so
we need to revise our unrestricted gun ownership laws to reflect the times in wihch we live now. Not in the 1700's.
Guns are fine...let's
license them like cars... like a million other things that have
to be registered.
If every time a gun is sold or changes
hands a title has to be drafted and logged in and registered, if there was a
28-day waiting period for background checks and metal stability checks, if we
had a limit as to the amount of guns bought and sold in a year and the types
(we do not need assault rifles… period nor do we need huge magazines for handguns…)
the we can start to limit the amount of damage and carnage created like we saw
in Sandy Hook.
We will never stop all killing…but we
can limit the amount by limiting the access to guns and bullets. I recently wrote that if someone wants to perform
sport shooting I am fine with that. No problems. Hunting, too. But that can be
done simply enough with registered, insured, titled guns. In fact, sport
shooters could join clubs and keep their firearms locked up safely at the club
where only the member and the club pro could have access to them. Again, not
denying the shooters their guns, but denying access to crazies trying to get
These are the thoughts (starters only)
we need to have in our nation about the control of guns. Many have written me in support of what I have
said and a few (very few) have written, pushing back. I expect some push back. But every time I get
push back I think of those 20 innocent faces of the children murdered in that
school and think….enough.
I like to shoot guns. I’m quite good at
skeet. I was trained well. And it is fun. Shooting is supposed to be fun. And
safe. But driving is too and yet, we can title, license and insure automobiles
and drivers…why not guns?
Back to original argument…We have a
well-regulated militia in America now. Why do we need so many guns? The intent
of the law has been fulfilled. The amount of the guns supported by the law is ridiculous.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Here is why we must have gun contol.
Here is all you need to know why we must have gun control...
1. Charlotte Bacon (DOB 2/22/06)
2. Daniel Barden (9/25/05)
3. Rachel Davino (7/17/83)
4. Olivia Engel (7/18/06)
5. Josephine Gay (12/11/05)
6. Ana M. Marquez-Greene (4/4/06)
7. Dylan Hockley (3/8/06)
8. Dawn Hocksprung (6/28/65)
9. Madeleine F. Hsu (7/10/06)
10. Catherine V. Hubbard (6/8/06)
11. Chase Kowalski (10/31/05)
12. Jesse Lewis (6/30/06)
13. James Mattioli (3/22/06)
14. Grace McDonnell (11/04/05)
15. AnneMarie Murphy (07/25/60)
16. Emilie Parker (5/12/06)
17. Jack Pinto (5/6/06)
18. Noah Pozner (11/20/06)
19. Caroline Previdi (9/7/06)
20. Jessica Rekos (5/10/06)
21. Avielle Richman (10/17/06)
22. Lauren Russeau (6/1982)
23. Mary Sherlach (2/11/56)
24. Victoria Soto (11/4/85)
25. Benjamin Wheeler (9/12/06)
26. Allison N. Wyatt (7/3/06)
1. Charlotte Bacon (DOB 2/22/06)
2. Daniel Barden (9/25/05)
3. Rachel Davino (7/17/83)
4. Olivia Engel (7/18/06)
5. Josephine Gay (12/11/05)
6. Ana M. Marquez-Greene (4/4/06)
7. Dylan Hockley (3/8/06)
8. Dawn Hocksprung (6/28/65)
9. Madeleine F. Hsu (7/10/06)
10. Catherine V. Hubbard (6/8/06)
11. Chase Kowalski (10/31/05)
12. Jesse Lewis (6/30/06)
13. James Mattioli (3/22/06)
14. Grace McDonnell (11/04/05)
15. AnneMarie Murphy (07/25/60)
16. Emilie Parker (5/12/06)
17. Jack Pinto (5/6/06)
18. Noah Pozner (11/20/06)
19. Caroline Previdi (9/7/06)
20. Jessica Rekos (5/10/06)
21. Avielle Richman (10/17/06)
22. Lauren Russeau (6/1982)
23. Mary Sherlach (2/11/56)
24. Victoria Soto (11/4/85)
25. Benjamin Wheeler (9/12/06)
26. Allison N. Wyatt (7/3/06)
2. Daniel Barden (9/25/05)
3. Rachel Davino (7/17/83)
4. Olivia Engel (7/18/06)
5. Josephine Gay (12/11/05)
6. Ana M. Marquez-Greene (4/4/06)
7. Dylan Hockley (3/8/06)
8. Dawn Hocksprung (6/28/65)
9. Madeleine F. Hsu (7/10/06)
10. Catherine V. Hubbard (6/8/06)
11. Chase Kowalski (10/31/05)
12. Jesse Lewis (6/30/06)
13. James Mattioli (3/22/06)
14. Grace McDonnell (11/04/05)
15. AnneMarie Murphy (07/25/60)
16. Emilie Parker (5/12/06)
17. Jack Pinto (5/6/06)
18. Noah Pozner (11/20/06)
19. Caroline Previdi (9/7/06)
20. Jessica Rekos (5/10/06)
21. Avielle Richman (10/17/06)
22. Lauren Russeau (6/1982)
23. Mary Sherlach (2/11/56)
24. Victoria Soto (11/4/85)
25. Benjamin Wheeler (9/12/06)
26. Allison N. Wyatt (7/3/06)
Guns don't kill people...they just make it real easy to kill people.
Last Thursday ( a little over a week ago) I wrote a daily
blog concerning violence in our country‑ violence with guns. In the blog I was
calling for a nationwide discussion of the second amendment and what the intent
of that amendment, when it was written, meant.
I decided not to publish that blog that day. Then as of yesterday, with
the horrible news from the Sandy Hook Elementary school in Connecticut, I could
no longer stand by without saying what I think.
I think that either:
(A) The founding fathers got it wrong when considering the
second amendment or
(B) we have misconstrued what they wanted to protect by
being so overboard in our protection of guns as to become stupid in our
protection of our people.

I have been a sportsman all my life. I have hunted. I am a
fairly good skeet shooter. And have over the years owned a lot of different
guns. I am no longer sure I support the Second Amendment as it is being
interpreted in America today. Friends of mine said, ”John you can make this a
crusade. Too many guns out there. Too much control by the NRA. Too much money
against you.” Tell that to the twenty
grieving parents in in Connecticut this morning. If we don’t start we will
never get it done. If we take that advice my friends gave me— if we had gone
down that road 150 years ago…then slavery would never have been abolished. Wrongs have to be righted. And out-of-control
gun violence must be stopped.
Lets get together and discuss guns. Rationally and without
yelling and screaming. Lets discuss the code of conduct with guns and the
society stung with the violence that comes about from guns. Lets find a way to
end this senseless killing.

The gunman in Connecticut didn’t put a cap in 26 heads. He
took 26 innocent lives. There’s a big difference. One is a non-thought The
other is murder. They are both acts of murder. On the same day as the Connecticut shootings, in
China a deranged man attacked 33 children at an elementary school. No one, as
of this writing, was dead in that attack. Why? Because he used a knife. Knives
are harder to kill people with. Knives versus guns? It is going to be a hard
discussion, America. But we need to have it.

Second Amendment of
the U.S. Constitution:
“A well regulated Militia, being
necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and
bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
was the act of a militia yesterday?
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
What to do before the world ends on the 21st.
I have been wondering what I should do before December 21,
2012— the end of the world as the Mayans knew it. I could take a quick trip to Europe. See pris
one last time. Visit London. Go hang out with the Germans. Or, I could go to the Great Wall of China. Maybe
I could go take out the idiot in North Korea.
Or the ones in Iran. No, they
deserve to suffer like the rest of us will. I could visit Africa or South
America. I could go surfing in Australia or New Zealand. Maybe take a dip in
the Indian Ocean in Aceh.
There’s lots to do.
I could go and take a swing at Mitch McConnell. Or take a
shot at Rush Limbaugh… proverbial or otherwise.
Hannity, too. I could go to Lake Louise in Canada or to Victoria on
Vancouver Island. Maybe do some fly fishing in Scotland.
I could lease a new Ferrari. Who cares, I’m not going to
have to pay for it. Jump in and drive it like mad. Ferris Bueller’s day off
like mad. I could kidnap a Hollywood movie star and make her dance for me on a
brass pole. (Does my wife get this blog?)
I could take all my money out of the bank, buy a bunch of
food and feed all the poor I could find for one day. Maybe two. I would need some help, so keep the 20th
and 21st open.
If the world was going to end on 12.21.12, I could watch my
top ten movie list one last time: I’d start with number ten — Toy Story and end
up at number one — Shawshank Redemption.
I could reread Gone With the Wind.
But why? I could take a long walk through a national park; say Zion for
I could sit and watch all the hoards of people fighting each
other, trying to escape the coming doom.
Maybe I would buy a video camera and record their antics for some lost
space traveler who might stumble upon the planet in say 2895.
I could set sail on the Gulf in a stolen yacht. Who cares if
they chase you and try and catch you? The end of the world is just hours
away. Maybe I would go and free all the
prisoners in all the prisons around the world. Maybe I would cook a giant meal
and invite my friends over.
Maybe I would take a nap. All this planning is making me
tired. If I miss you on the 21st,
have a good hereafter. If we are both still around on the 22nd, the
Ferrari is your problem…I’m telling them you stole it.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Quit stalling and start working together.
I am waiting on the Republican Party to understand they did
NOT win the election. While they still hold a majority in the house, they
actually lost ground there, too. But still no resolve to solve the country’s
financial crisis with compromise. No
wonder the President is digging his heels in and being tough.
The other side is obstinate and unyielding.
I give the Speaker credit for restructuring committees and
taking Tea Party stalwarts off financial posts and placing more, levelheaded
folk in those positions – men who understand that revenue generation will have
to happen and that means new taxes. The
followers of Grover Norquist are mistaken and wrong. And I am even believing they are slightly
un-American in their view of the future of this country.
And I also give the Speaker kudos for trying to negotiate
with the White House on a path to getting us out of this crisis. But the party
behind the Speaker is being just as stupid as they were before the election.
America wants a change. They want all Americans
to pay their fair share. Key word there
is FAIR. One needs only to read Warren
Buffett to realize that the rich can afford more — and they get more out of the infrastructure of the nation that the average
Arguments have been made on both sides of the question about
lower taxes for the wealthy generating more jobs. We haven’t seen in in the last five years, so
it must not be working. It didn’t work under Reagan, Bush I or Bush II. But the
right wants to believe that lower taxes for the Daddy Warbucks of America will
generate great prosperity for us all.
(Ain’t gonna happen.) Besides the right wants to strip America of the
entitlements it has paid into…Social Security and Medicare: both of which need
restructuring to be sure, but not wholesale dismantling as some on the
far-right would have you believe. We are “entitled to these things, because we
have paid for them. They are not freebie handouts to a slothful society. Far
from it. They are part of a whole network of payments entrusted to Congress on
the behalf of the American Taxpayer, which Congress has squandered away.
But the right would make you think that people wanting the
entitlements are a bunch of non-working, freeloaders. Hey, Rush, look at our
paychecks and see the withholdings for FICA, et al., and then tell us we are
freeloaders. American is made up of hard working men and women who have paid
into the system and who expect that system to return to them the funds the
entrusted it with.
The “Cliff” is
looming. If we get there without an
accord, the finger can only be pointed in one direction: Toward Congress. It
has done little if anything, to show that it is willing to work for America and
not for the “causes” that propelled it to the most expensive loss in U.S.
electoral history.
Come on Republicans, let’s roll up our sleeves and work out
a compromise. We need new and more revenue and we need to cut spending. We need reform on both sides of the
ledger. Not just one. But both.
Give us a solution and the American people with their
resilient American spirit will make it work. But remember, not all Americans
are country-club, yacht-owning-high-net-worth individuals with tons of cash
buried off shore out of sight from the IRS. Some are just hard-working middle
class families trying to make a go of it.
Oh, I forgot, your party walked away from them…haven’t you?
Sunday, December 9, 2012
It is not what you do, but how you do it.
The measure of a person is not what he or she has done, not
what they have accomplished, but how hard, how diligent they were in working
toward their goals.
I read those words in a book the other day as I waited to go
into an appointment and I thought of all the times people have set out to try
an accomplish something grand, only to discover a new path to somewhere new or
to refine an old path to a place many have been before, but never looked at it
in the same light.
The trick with life is that it is not about the destination
it is all about the journey. The Nookta tribe of Native Americans call it the
Great Way: the path that we must all
travel in our lifetime toward whatever end— whatever goal there is awaiting for
us. Our measure is not how fast we get
there, not how brilliantly we finish, but rather how strong we are on the
entire journey.
Perhaps in Western Civilization, we are far too concerned
with being judged along the journey rather than moving along it learning from
our mistakes and our victories. There is
too much emphasis placed on judgment from afar by some spirit that is going to
eventually send us to either heaven or hell. And in so doing, we have become a
narcissistic society, interested in saving our own skin, rather than sharing
what we have learned on our own journeys, so that others' lives might be
fulfilled as well. What we set out to accomplish is of little value to the
total purpose of the Great Way, but rather what we deliver to others as we move
along its indelible pathway.
This is a holiday time where we celebrate the birth and life
of Christ, who himself talked over and over about giving and sharing to others:
the very essence of the journey along the Great Way. It is about the movement
down that path, rather than the ultimate goal of that path, that is so vital to
each of us. We should not miss a day
enjoying it, reveling in it and even understanding its lessons, both
hard-learned and joyous. In life and in
death, in sickness, sorry and in health and celebration, the Great Way is a passage
for us all to grow in and to share from.
So perhaps this crazy holiday season we should slow down.
Stop even. And enjoy the moment. Remember friends. Remember family. Share in
the delights of the world around us. And
look as far down the Great Way as we must, to set our sights on the steps we
will take that day and then in later days, knowing not when the last steps each
of us will take along the path. But remembering that in each step we take, we
grow and we share the knowledge of that growth with those around us.
The measure of a person is really not in what they
accomplished, but in what they shared from their experiences. My wish for all
of you, is that you get to share richly with others and do so with an open
heart and an open mind to receive back from them, the lessons they, too, have
learned along the way.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Alzheimer's vs Jimbo
I received an invitation the other day to appear on a radio
show in a city far to our north. They had read my PR about the release of my
new novel, The Myth Makers and wanted me on the show. As I talked with the producer, I realized I
knew her from somewhere. Finally I asked her if she had a brother named
Jimbo? And she laughed and said, “Yes,
but I haven’t heard him called that since I left Austin.” Come to find out, she was the baby sister of
a good friend of mine from UT days…that’s something like a million years ago.
I asked about her brother and she told me he was not doing
well. He was suffering from Alzheimer’s’ and was in its very late stages. I
asked her about her other brother, Tom and she said he had been giving his
brother care around the clock ever since he had become so ill.
I called Tom and introduced myself. He remembered me and I
told him of getting his name and number from Sally and then I asked if I could
see Jimbo if not but for a moment. Tom said it would be possible. He gave me their
address and I went to their house a day or two later when I was in Austin.
Something rather strange happened. As soon as I walked in
the room Jimbo recognized me and even called out to me. “Crawley! You old rascal, you.” His brother and the
nurse there in the room were both shocked.
We spoke a few sentences together and hugged like old college buds will
do. Then the gray curtain came back down and he had no more an idea of who I
was than a brick wall. But for that instant he remembered me and called out my
Later, Tom said that moment was like a small miracle. “We
live for those. Just to know that deep inside there, he’s still with us.
Somehow and at some level.” I didn’t
stay long. I had pressing engagements
elsewhere, but it was such a great gift for Jimbo to have called out my name
and remembered me, if not for but the briefest of instances.
Alzheimer’s is a dreaded disease. It robs one of the most vital of all our
organs — the brain. My close friend Stephen Woodfin has written about it a length
in his novels and participates in fund raising and awareness for a cure for this
thoughtless killer. His work opened my eyes to the plight of families facing
such horrors. The tales he tells are sad and lonely. But that day — that instant with Jimbo, gave
me and those in the room a moment of victory in a losing war. For one instant
we had a beachhead. We had a minute of
joy…of remembrance.
Jimbo will not be with us long. His passing will be sad. But
of all the things he and I did in school (some of which I cannot print in this
article) of all the things we shared, the thing I will remember the most is his
looking up from a blank stare as I entered his room and him calling out,
“Crawley! You old rascal.” Somewhere deep inside we had a bond strong enough to
overcome even the onset and destruction of brain cells caused by this silent
killer. Jimbo’s mind triumphed that afternoon. And he gave us all a little joy.
My hope is we can find a cure or prevention for this
disease. I know Woodfin is working hard at it. And I, too, will pick up the
mantle. If for no other reason than Jimbo Evans remembered me, and I want to
some how do something to remember him.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Kate's going to have a baby. Big deal.
Kate is pregnant. Whoopee. Hurray. Way to go, Brits!
Enough already. The
TODAY show on NBC lead off their morning news with her emergence from a London hospital.
So what?
I do not want to hear about Kate and her baby to be for the
next nine months. That would lead us up right to the beginning of the pre-pre-primary
movements for the 2016 Presidential elections.
Enough already. I must say the press in this country is truly
led by a heard mentality and of the lowest common denominator. Marion Wise is
pregnant, too. She is not getting
headlines. Yes, Kate’s child could well be Queen of England some day (or King
for that matter), but WE ARE NOT ENGLISH.
We fought the bastards to get rid of the monarchy. I don’t want to hear about them every morning
over cereal at breakfast.
So here was the line up of stories this morning on the news;
Kate leaves hospital.
A quick primer on British law allowing the child regardless
of gender to assume the mantle
of head of the British empire.
Typhoon kills more than 200.
Budget crisis looms….
See my point? Kate
and the baby? Really?
It takes nine months to squeeze a little squirming nugget
out. I don’t want the next nine months
filled with daily and hourly reports of the Duchess of Cambridge’s health and
the baby’s every kick. Let me know when the baby comes. That will be
all for now.
Let’s get back to some real news.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
The GOP needs a big dose of common sense
I was trying to decide what to write today.
You see, there was a lot to choose from. Yesterday there was an article about a
Republican representative from Georgia making it known that even though he was
on the science committee; he thinks a lot of science is straight from “the pits
of hell.” There’s a man with a mind
screwed on straight. And then there was the article about the Republicans
voting down the U.N. disability treaty that their own Bob Doyle came onto the
floor of Congress in a wheelchair to advocate. The radical right felt like it
was infringing on the rights of families?
Really? Have they actually read the act?
Doubtful. It is about helping those with disabilities, just like our own
Americans With Disabilities Act protects. The UN version would make it active
the world over. But some nut job from Utah is afraid it is going to give
Ugandans the right to come to America and put our families in jail. For a state
that doesn’t drink a lot, these guys sure think like their minds are made of
sour mash.
I was trying to decide which stupidity of the GOP would get
my wrath today and I decided that neither deserved it.
The GOP has gone so far overboard to the extremes of the
“Christian Right” and the No-Taxes at any costs party, that it is ludicrous to
even consider them thoughtful members of our society. Unfortunately they still
have enough votes to control certain acts in our legislative process. Something we will need to change rapidly in
the up-coming, mid-term elections.
We need to rid ourselves of the no-tax, science-hating,
fear-mongering, build-the- Pentagon-budget-on-the-backs-of-poor-folks,
limit-those-who-can-vote, pledge allegiance to Grover Norquist,
abortion-is-the-only-issue-I-care-about Republicans.
Where have the truly smart conservatives gone? Where is the leadership we expected to
emerge? Did the GOP not learn anything
from the 2012 election? Their platform went down in flames. Instead of sound
judgment, we get the silly-ass Michelle Bachman’s and the likes of her Tea
Party stalwarts still trying to make headlines in Washington. Enough America. Let’s get rid of these
It is time for common sense in Washington.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Knock. Knock. Who's there?...Wait, I don't give a damn.
This is the season that door-to-door canvassers seem to be
out collecting for every possible cause under the sun. The cure to diaper rash,
the prevention of nighttime sunburn, The collection for orphans and widows in Beverly
Hills. You name it and there is an organization collecting for it. Why door-to-door? I found out the other day.
A young man, nicely dressed and with good elocution came to
our door and after our dog settled down and decided not to rip his face off, we
had a brief conversation. He was raising money for inner city kids to study
abroad. Let me think about that for a moment. At first blush it sounds like a
good idea. Kids from poor families who might not have a chance to go abroad to
see the museums, the cathedrals; to experience the architecture, the art, the
languages…Why yes, that would be a grand idea. To broaden a few kids’
worldview. What was wrong with that?
I asked the name of the organization and he stuttered
something like the Greater Texas Child Development and Education Fund. I had
never heard of it, but then again, I hadn’t heard of half of the causes that
come to our door — like the International Prevention of Leopard Spot Changing.
I asked the young man if he had any information on his group and he said he did
not, but he did offer that he, himself, was planning on going to England, if he
could raise enough points.
“How do raise points?” I asked. (Wrong thing to ask. You are
locked into the giving cycle now.) He reached into an old sack he as using for
a satchel and removed three bags of candy.
“Every bag of candy I sell I get two points. All I need is 5,000 points
and I can spend six weeks studying in London.”
Wow, why haven’t I heard about this for my kids. I would have gladly bought all the candy
myself and sent them to Siberia for four years‑ without cell phones, of course.
I felt sorry for the kid so I bought three bags of his
candy. Two sacks of hard, peppermint
swirls and one bag of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. Grand total, $25 U.S.
dollars. Six points toward an education
with a cockney accent. Go get ‘em kid.
He left. I handed the
bag of Reese’s chocolate to my daughter who took a bite and immediately spit it
out on the floor in disgust. The candy was
at least sixty years old. It was
horrible. The peppermints were no better.
It was a con job. Pure and simple deception. He probably had
gotten the candy at Halloween in 1998 and had been planning this ruse ever
since. So here is the bad thing. A few
days later a boy scout showed up at my door selling tickets to their annual
pancake breakfast. I now have a rule. We
buy nothing…NOTHING…at our door from anyone.
Jesus could be selling salvation tickets and we are not interested.
So the poor Boy Scouts lost out because of a jerk wad posing
as a member of some Travel to Europe and Study Abroad group who sold us bogus
Moral to this story:
You want a good education? Get it
in Dallas and let the English keep their schools to themselves.
I am going to be a scrooge this Christmas. Every benevolent
society that comes knocking at our door gets a big resounding NO WAY, from
me. Sorry. Blame it on the kid with the
stale candy.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
A little of this. A little of that. Happy Holidays.
Having a get together in the neighborhood and a lot of folks
who have moved away are drifting back — it is a reunion of sorts. Good to see
such wonderful old faces. Many of their children have grown up and moved on to
careers. Others have children of their own now. It is a great comfort to see
community this way. the passing of the torch...
The music tape has been made (yes we are old school and use
a tape.) Blues, Christmas songs, classic rock and an occasional Frank Sinatra
song sung off key fills the air. As do
salutes to the Sooners (which makes my blood boil) and to TCU (which almost
does, too.) But still, these are
neighbors and God love ‘em they are good people.
Most believe Johnny “Football” Manzelle will win the Heisman
trophy. I think Kline from K State will.
All I know is that Texas should have
been 11-1. OU was the only team with
better athletes than us this year. We just couldn’t block or tackle to save our
lives. Oh well, as the custom has become
around Austin — next year. And how about Baylor…winning four of their last five
games! Go bears! The bears are poised for great things also…next year.
Speaking of the Bears, my wife is sad, because the Bears
from Baptistville ended the longest home court winning streak in NCAA
basketball by beating UK Wildcats, yesterday in Lexington.
It’s the holiday season…fun and festive and lots of things
to do. We’re having a great time this year.
Staying out of the maddening crowds at the mall and shopping on-line then
sitting back and waiting for the UPS guy to navigate through the thickening
traffic to find us. Oh technology…God love it!
For the first time in about two centuries, we do not have to
travel this Christmas Season. Yeah! I
have become, since starting to work from my most comfortable home office, a homebody.
I admit it and love it.
Well that’s all the ramblings I have on a Sunday morning. I
hope you and yours are well and healthy.
And I hope you can enjoy friends and neighbors this season as we are
going to.
Make PEACE your goal this year.
Don;t forget to pick up your copy of my exciting new novel at, or
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